Faith Education
PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM (PREP) – This program provides Catholic children attending State schools to receive instructions in the Catholic faith. It prepares the participants to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. The program commences when children are in year one and concludes in Year 6. Contact: Parish Secretary
CATECHISTS – Volunteer catechists are involved in the instruction of Catholic children, who attend State Schools in Catholic faith. New Catechists are always welcome. The Catholic Education Office provides full training. Contact: Parish Secretary
ADULT FAITH FORMATION – Information on programs which are made available from time to time can be found in the Parish Bulletin. Contact: Parish Priest
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) PROGRAM – Adults seeking baptism and/or wanting to be members of the Catholic Church. Contact: Parish Priest or Parish Secretary